Sunday, June 23, 2013

week 4 and 5!

Krakenator Update!!

Week 4

Well...... not much happened this week..... except DR. SISTER MEDICLE MARTICLE IS IN DA HOUSE!
Can I get an AYE AYE??
So Wednesday, I was counting down the hours till you guys came, 12:30 comes around finally and me and Sister Hancock go to do our personal study by the window, let's be honest i was studying the cars pulling in more than my scriptures.. but then Elder Zaccaria (our new district leader) came down and told me the story of the people of Jericho and how they were united in a cause and were able to walk around the city till the wall fell down and won the battle, but the next battle, one person had stolen something so the Lord didn't help them win......... Then he told me that the night before he was at a leader meeting with the branch presidency and the president said no one should meet up with their familes... He felt so bad, he was gonna go out and see his best friend who was coming in that day, but he told me he wouldn't go see them if I didn't see mine. I just started crying. I knew seeing you guys would not make me homesick, and if i didn't see you i would be SO mad that you were all that close. But I love Elder Zaccaria and I really didn't want to disappoint him, especially if he wasn't going to go see his friends family. then I looked back out the window, and I saw a suburban, i thought it was you guys and my suspicion was confirmed when i saw the billowing blonde locks of hair of Sav L hanging out the window searching for me. I WAS SO HAPPY! and then i thought about not being able to see you guys and i was so upset. So i chose a happy medium and ran out just in time to wave at you, but not go to the car. I was SO happy to see all your faces!! and I watched you guys all unpack Madi, you have no idea how close i was to just running over there. But I didn't want to disappoint Elder Zaccaria, (now, had it been my old district leader Elder Lee I would have just said screw that and ran to you SO fast)
The best thing ever was watching cute little Sister Dumas walking up the sidewalk with her cheetah suitcases. I ran over to her and hugged her I was so beyond happy to see her! I wish i could have talked to and hugged all of you. When we went back to class, Sister Hancock told Zaccaria he should be so proud of me because I didn't talk to you guys. He was so happy. Then we did another one on one teaching experience and I had to be taught by Zaccaria and after he gave me the sweetest little apology letter, it made me cry. He is such a little sweetie, so I'm happy I listened to him.
Well I'm sure you're all dying to know.... me and Martis have completely opposite schedules, but she lives right below me so i see her every night before bed :) just like old times. and I get ALL of her mail. my district hates it. Zaccarias favorite thing to say lately is "queres lutar?" which means wanna fight, so anytime i say yes to that or unplug his headphones during TALL or something he tells me that he's not giving me my mail until madi gets less mail than the rest of the district haha. Speaking of Zaccaria and mail, i fell asleep during personal study on Sunday and i woke up to paper crinkling for like 5 minutes.... he was trying to mail an oreo.... haha
Yesterday my teacher asked if we have any news, and no one was saying anything, so of course I proudly announced Kim Kardashian is having a baby girl! :).... no one cared. all my teacher said was Bom.. por.. Ela.. (good for her....)
You know when you peel an orange and theres that sick white skin on it still?? Well I was peeling it off and my comp began to tell me how thats what has all the nutrients for you... blah blah blah squawk squawk.. still not sure if i believe her, but me and Elder Bowden decided we better eat it if we want to receive all the nutrients of that orange. So we fear factored that batch and took the skin and wrapped it in a waffle fry and dipped it in Jake sauce. oh the entertainment you have to succumb to here in the MTC.
I can't believe I only have 2 weeks left in the MTC! i'm so excited to get to Portugal, but i am NOT ready to say tchao to my district! I love them all so much! but I am so happy we will all be serving in Portugal together, so we'll see each other around every so often. But everyday at least 2 people, if not more, say how hard it's gonna be to say goodbye, or that they're not ready to leave each other yet. I love every single person in my district (even the elder that I dog on all the time. haha)
I saw Elder Curtis Lloyd yesterday, he told me about Luke Van Skyhawks mission call to Arizona! Syd, tell him congrats for me! that is sooo cool, he will LOVE it! and now for the shout outs. S/O to Melissa Freaking Brown and Jess Reeder for all the celeb gossip updates. honestly they get me through the week and give me something to say when our teacher asks if anyone has any news. S/O to the bro Taylor for quoting sasquatch gang haha i was LOL'in 4 real, and S/O to Allie Shaw raking in 3 letters from her in one day! and S/O to Dennis for the Nutella and Portugal Flag!!!!! honestly my district couldn't have been happier, and no the thank you note they wrote you wasn't even my idea, although I did tell them to call you Dennis.
Happy Fathers Day on Sunday to THE best papa in da wholleeeeee worlddd!!! the present i was gonna get you is not in stock........ it may be here friday... but we'll see. just be glad i'm not like elder bowden and getting his dad an MTC waterbottle. hahaha
well I love you all! the church is true! miss all your faces, someone write me with the latest hollywood drama stat por favor.
sister dumas

Week 5!!
"On the 12th day till Portugal we got our flight plans, and NO one got reassignments!"
HOLLA! 7 days till I'm off to Portugal! Minha nossa! i'm stoked out of my mind right now! Me and sister H were walking back from lunch late and right when we walked in the door Zaccaria was at the top of the stairs yelling for us to hurry, we didn't know why so of course we just ignored him and continued to saunter up the stairs and he kept yelling so finally we hurried and got to the classroom and our flight plans were there!! but first our teacher made us sing and pray... we have all never sang "the spirit of God" so fast in our lives, and the prayer was like "Pai Celsetial, obrigada por nosso flight plans. amem." then we finally got to look! AH! We leave Tuesday morning from the MTC at like 11, and then I will call all y'all and you all better answer! (I've been stocking up on all my quarters so I can just be on the phone between erry flight.) then at 2:30 i fly to Fortworth, Texas (S/O to kaylee, i'll give Elder Bowthorpe a kiss for you when I see him) then we have a 3 hour lay over, so obvi, I'll call again, and then fly to London and have another 3 hour lay over (not sure about calling here...... will def try) and then i fly to Portugal and land at 6 at night. OH MY! i'm so excited to get there and to talk to all of you guys of course!
Other than flight plans, not too much else happened this week.... except it was our last temple walk, one of our progressing investigators, Arthur, was baptized, i got like 7 packages of food! seriously Dennis, i know you're bored, but we are over flowing on food over here and only a week left to eat it, then i'm giving it to the Italians, so start sending clothes or something i can take with me :) and then last wednesday we got to host and Guess who is the brand new Italians in the classroom next to me?? THE one and only, Snow Hall Bachelor!! HOLLA! Elder Kenney, breaking hearts left and right even in the MTC. So i get to talk to him everyday now, and Keeton Alder is on the floor below so he I see him a lot too. and Elder Lee finally isn't 18 anymore. Me and Sis Hancock went all out, (as all out as we could with our limited resources) we decorated his desk with hot pink zebra birthday decorations another sister gave us, got him a birthday card and had the whole district sign it, sang happy birthday in Portuguese multiple times throughout the day and then Elder Zaccaria had a bottle of sparkling cider his mom sent him as a "congrats you made it 4 weeks, didn't think you'd make it that far" package so we popped that open and all took shots. Para Bens!
We had a lesson with one of our progressing investigators this week, Jose about the Palavra de Sabedoria, (Word of Wisdom) Sister Hancock read him that scripture in D&C 89 that says "nao bebidas fortes" (no strong drinks) and proceeded to tell him that meant no coffee. I knew she was wrong, but i only had my Portuguese scriptures so as he was fighting her telling her that coffee wasn't a strong drink, i was rapidly searching for the right one. Finally, I found the verse that says "nao bebidas quent" (no hot drinks) and said so no coffee or tea, now do you understand? and Jose was like okay so no hot drinks. no coffee, no tea, no "chocolat quent"  and i was like no you can have hot chocolate and he just continued, "or no "lait quent"....... and sister hancock goes uhh who even drinks hot milk anyway? and then tried to explain that he could drink that. Then we proceeded the lesson into the Plan of Salvation and as we were teaching about Adam and Eve he asked us what the forbidden fruit was, mind you this was all in poorly conjugated Portuguese, and sis H. was like i don't know, but its not important, and he was like "ohh foi maca" (ohh it was an apple) and she was like no, i dont know what it was and he was like yeah I think it was apple, and she goes the type of fruit is not important and he just goes apple. okay. haha we were like okay whatever maybe it was an apple. haha our investigator is our teacher so he's always trying to give us a hard time so he can get the enjoyment of watching us frantically racking our brains for portuguese.
Right now we're all in a little stage that I like to call "language puberty" not only does our portuguese suck, but it's really taking a toll of my English, and we all speak "portuinglais", so a little bit of both. but it makes everything so much funnier. Like during TALL this week, i fell asleep, of course, but someone pressed play on the video and it woke me up so later i was asking who did it and Elder Bowden goes "foi espirito santo" (was the holy ghost) haha i don't know why that was even so funny, but you can literally say the dumbest things in Portuguese and the whole class will be rollllllling. Which is doing wonders on my ego ;) The problem is Elder Zaccaria just makes up his own portuguese and I know his words better than the actual thing. Like lately he told me Mariposa means butterfly, well i looked it up last night, after i have been calling people that all week, and the dictionary said butterfly was barboleta or something so i was like what the heck, then i looked up what mariposa means.... and it means moth. haha so stupid. i have been calling everyone little moths all week. Que vergonha!
Yesterday we had gym at freaking 7 a.m. so we played beach volleyball outside with our district, Elder Collier kept hitting the ball but it would never make it over the net and no one would like help it over. So he was finally like "okay sister Hancock, this ones coming to you.." right at that exact moment, elder Lee had told her to turn around and face him so she could watch the ball, BAM! the ball hit her right in the face!! HAHA it was literally so funny. i was on the ground, crying i was laughing so hard. and she was trying to defend herself "I'm only crying because it's funny!!" hahaha yeah right. and then later i missed the ball and she started laughing and making fun of me and i was like "shut up sister Hancock, you got hit in the face." oh mi goish, i think Bowden might have peed his pants, he thought that was the funniest thing he's ever heard and he literally brought it up probably 8 times throughout the day. Well at least he thinks I'm funny.
Oh where did shart get her new mission call to?? sheridan write me back and tell me about it!! Dad did you get our fajas day package?? HAPPY FATHERS DAY to you again!! :)
This week I have been missing Macklemore toooo much. Maybe cause his birthday is tomorrow!!!!! happy birthday to the filthiest man alive. Love him. You all better be enjoying all dem dirty rap songs for those of us who can't. (i'm awful.... yolo.)
Entao, I am so excited to be serving in Portugal in just one week, but I am really gonna miss the MTC. I know I'm a freak, but it is so fun and I am learning so much. I love my mission and I am so happy I am here. The church is true. Eu sou muito grato para a Igreja em minha vida e para minha dessicao a servir uma missao.
Sister kracklepuss Dumas
EVERYONE write me in Portugal now:
(unless you're putting a letter in the mail today, which i doubt you are)
Sister Kristen Dumas
C/O Stephen L. Fluckiger
Portugal Lisbon MIssion
Apartado 40054
1500 Lisbon




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